
Miwa SaitaiVo.)

Like so many her age, a pivotal turning point in dynamic 5X vocalist Miwa Saitafs young life was
her first experience of hearing Bon Jovi on the radio. Not only would this epiphany determine the her favorite style of popular music,
but Miwa, also known as gManzoh would also be inspired to study English in order to better understand the songs.
It wouldnft occur to Manzo until some years later to become a vocalist.
Nor did she anticipate that shefd actually be fronting a rock band someday just as her own personal inspiration.

This would come about approximately a decade later when she first took the stage for a company event.
Having cut her teeth in front of that first audience, she got the bug, and then went off in search of a band.

Professional voice training came next in order to first recall,
and then finely hone vocal techniques initially learned while in junior high school.
A band soon followed, one with which her tenure lasted five years.
Material was mostly e70s and e80s hard rock and heavy metal covers as well as originals.
Following the demise of this band, Manzo took a hiatus from singing.

Later looking to get back into the game, she hooked up with some Western ex-pats,
but nothing worked out quite as well as she had hoped.
Manzo continued searching for the right situation, a band that effectively mixed rock,
blues and soul. In the interim, she also participated in the Inter FM vocal competition,
winning a very respectable second place.

Prior to the 5X gig, Manzo sang in Bad Trip, another e70s cover and original band.
Upon meeting George Azuma, Manzo finally found the perfect musical outlet in 5X and the rest as they say, is history.



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